Saturday, May 01, 2010

What is a Sirvayur?

A Sirvayur is something that grubs around in the woods looking for little sticks and stones. When he finds them he does some kind of weerd dance around thern with a funny-looking 3-leg crutch wich he leans on and looks at. When he don't find them he walks around all day like he's lost. Sometimes you see them squashed by cars along rodes, espeshelly in the sumer when all th other bugs are out. A Sirvayur has one big eye and one littel eye like popeye. He is stooped over from being bent all the time. His face looks like old lether. He cusses terribul. He cant' reed because he mesures between things and then puts down a number in a littel book wich is difrint than wat his littel map says. He always mesures to a stick or stone, stops neer it, and puts in another stick or stone. He is not too brite because he is always markeing marks on side-walks and rodes to find his way home. His pants are allways tore from rock salt and his shoes look like they was made of mud. People stare at him, dogs chase him and he always looks wore out. I don't know why anyone wants to be a Sirvayur.

Author: Johnny Jones, Grade Three Science (NJSPLS Coordinate, March-April 1980)