Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Presco Roll Flagging Best Flagging Available

Presco Roll Flagging is the best rolling flagging available due to how long it lasts. It outlasts other brands with how long the color holds before fading, it stretches well and ties well. You won't go wrong with Presco "Texas Roll Flagging". When I was an Instrument Man on a Surveying Crew I was taught to wrap wood stakes by using both hands wrapping in opposite directions, while stretching and over-lapping the flagging all at the same time. After tying a secure knot, some length is left over on the ends to make the flagged stake visible. The method makes for a very tight and durable flagged stake. The over-lapping and stretching avoids the flagging from loosening later and sliding down the stake. If done properly the flagging will be so tight it would need to be cut off of the stake using a knife or cutter of some type.