Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rotary Laser Levels and Slope

When purchasing a Rotary Laser Level. One of the first questions you need to ask yourself is “Do I need a laser to do slope?” And if so, “Do I need it to do single slope or dual slope?”

First, Rotary Laser Levels have two different options for leveling the instrument before doing any work and they are: Manual or Automatic. Manual leveling is set by the operator with the help of bubble vials. Automatic leveling is preformed automatically by the laser unit itself. Most self-leveling lasers have a “self-leveling range” this is the range it can be out of level and still automatically adjust to level.

There are three different types of level that a laser level can do, level, single slope and dual slope. Level is pretty self-explanatory. Level can be used to put in anything like a drop ceiling, chair rail or concrete slab foundation. Single slope has one grade. Single slope is used for setting grade on things like stairs, landscapes, sidewalks and driveways. Dual slope is a little more complicated. Picture a drive way. Driveways are typically angled to allow water to run off the side. This prevents water from collecting on the driving surface. Now imagine that driveway is going down hill. So you have an angled drive way that is running down hill, that is “dual slope.” We have many different lasers, each can handle different slopes and specific criteria that customer’s need. Please feel free to browse our online selection and please contact EngineerSupply if you need any help selecting the best laser level to meet your needs.