Friday, February 20, 2009

Most people don't complain, they just move on

I sometimes think some retailers, or any business for that matter, has the thought of if you don't hear them complain, then we must be doing something right....WRONG! The fact is, most people don't complain, they just move on. This has been a firm belief of mine since I started EngineerSupply back in 1999. Knowing this has always helped me grow EngineerSupply into what it is today. We don't give our customers reason to complain. The moment we receive a phone call from a customer, or an order, we start to working for them (actually we have usually been working for the customer before the moment we get the order, as we're always building quotes, answering questions about products, and educating customers on how our products work, many times long before the customer places their order). We have systems in place to track their order from start to finish, finish being the customer received the product delivered on time and at the correct location, and undamaged. Sounds simple, but it's not. It can be a challenge moving products like Blueprint Storage, Surveying Equipment and Supplies, Drafting Tools and Equipment from point A to point B, tracking it from hub to terminal, then watching each orders' tracking number to make sure it was signed for and delivered to the correct location and on time. Theres many other facets of customer service but this one stands out in my mind as what people are wanting. We always remember that if a customer doesn't complain then it doesn't necessarily mean that they're happy.