Monday, February 02, 2009

Phil Says "Six More Weeks of Winter!" so make the most out of winter

Every February 2nd, Americans celebrate one of the most unique holidays I can think of, Groundhog Day. I’m not sure how familiar you are with ground hog’s day but crowds start to gather at 3 am, and wait anxiously for the groundhog predict when spring will come. Most of the groundhogs this year have already made their prediction, and the consensus is six more weeks of winter.

I know winter can be a hard time for the surveying and construction industries, especially with the current economic troubles plaguing our nation. Many are looking forward to spring and the promise it holds for increased work opportunities. Instead of thinking of winter as a disadvantage, think of it as an opportunity. Winter can be a great time to prepare for summer. With spring just around the corner here’s a few steps you can do now to make sure you’re ready…

Read up- start with some trade magazines, industry blogs (like, catch up on new industry developments, and consider taking some continuing education classes. Many surveying associations offer classes that cover everything from surveying classes about new industry developments, legal concerns, and techniques to business classes to help surveyors with their own business.

Make sure all you equipment is in good condition. Make any needed repairs or replacements. carries a wide variety of equipment at great prices. We are to help you get the products you need, with great prices and excellent service! In January of this year new regulations made for surveying safety vests (check out our blog for more information.) Check your safety vests to make sure they are in compliance. Remember that faded vests might not be compliant with the new safety regulations.

Consider alternate sources for business. Check with local government agencies to see if they have any outstanding bids and consider submitting a quote. Make new business connections. Consider social media sites like “”, “” and “” This can be a great resource for tapping into social business networks. ( can be found on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.)

Set goals with your employees; make it a vision for the company. Choose something attainable and work together. This is great for team building and morale. Consider making minor changes to your business to make it more cost efficient. Here at EngineerSupply we are always conscious of conserving. Not only to decrease business expenses but to conserve natural resources. Take small steps like shutting off the light whenever you leave or reusing old paper as scrap paper (just make sure it doesn’t have any sensitive information on it!)

As I’ve said in previous posts, Surveying Associations are a great resource for surveyors! The winter months are a great time to get involved. Many offer great services like continuing education, trade shows and business directories and that’s just some of the unique services that they offer.

These are just some of the steps you can take now to help your business flourish this year. Remember that spring will be coming soon so take advantage of these winter months to help you make the most of it.